Monday, September 14, 2009
sense of beuty
Selection of body splash from Victoria's Secret Garden.... Originally from USA
At The Curve Flea Market->RM65/- My price ->RM50/-
- Berry Kiss (New)
- Endless Love
- Sweet Temptation (Hot Selling)
- Pear Glaze
- Sweet DayDream
- Pure Seduction (Hot Selling)
- Romantic Wish
Soon!!!!!! also available in Hand & Body Lotion, Body Scrub so check it out.....!

ooww beb!session arini lak??hmmm ape ek nk cite???haaa...nk tau pg tadi claz measurement au patot 3 jam tapi 1 jam lak jadinye...coz lectrer merajok le plok??adehh....pastu ptg ade claz building services,...wahh!!!xsie2 g claz bs ptg tadi....dapat duet gayer...lecterer aku bg!!!yg besnye lagi...xblajo...dok becgite je keje...pas2 1jam habes da clz....huhu...syonok2 la arini....pas balik claz g bintang beli bahan2 tok wat yong tau fu!!!!harini aku masak yong tau fu ajek....haaaaaa......=))

Sunday, September 13, 2009
location:rumah erna....di alam impian
Wahh arini ade sentimental sket la coz member ku erna syazwana ....die akan ke U.K tok further die jmpt la kami ramai2 ke umah die kat alam impian ,shah alam 2...wahh sume umah bapak dasat!!!hahahahaha.....kitorang yg dtg 1st skali ....awal giler...bukan ape takot sesat kan???heheheheh~~emm bestt tapi sedeyyy ar....====((((neway i would to wish u erna gud luck!!!!
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